Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Still working on color

for my favorite reddit sub:

Monday, December 23, 2013

Ralphie--From the best Christmas movie ever.

Phil--He's been in the news lately.

Anchor Man

Working with color 1

Here he is with color.  I am working with color a little.  I happy with this, other than I have turned him into a black man.

1st post 2008--1st post 2013

Here is a reference of President Eisenhower that I found on the internet.

Here is a picture that I drew of him from this reference in 2008.  My brother started working with me--teaching me how to draw.  I wasn't sure that I had gotten any better.

Here is one from the same reference that I drew today.  I like his intensity in this picture.  I think it captures his personality better.